Ninja Van Delivery Areas
Does Ninja Van deliver to my address?
Although we boast extensive coverage across Peninsular Malaysia, some of your parcel destinations may fall under our list of ‘Not Covered’ or ‘Out-of-Zone (OOZ)’ locations.
Before completing your delivery order, please do a quick check to ensure that your customer’s address does not fall under these streets or postal codes to avoid a returned parcel.
What’s the difference between ‘Not Covered’ and ‘OOZ’?
All Peti Surat / PO Boxes
Due to concerns about possible parcel fraud and theft, Ninja Van only offers deliveries to direct addresses. Postal codes under Peti Surat / PO Boxes will be returned to the sender.
Out-of-zone locations refer to areas in which we do not have a Ninja stationed. When this happens, we’ll transfer your parcel to our logistics partners to complete the delivery.
Check our delivery areas
Subscribe to our telegram bot for a quick and easy way to check our delivery coverage. Simply enter the postal code. Do note that only uncovered areas will be displayed.
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If you prefer having a complete overview on our service regions, postal codes and areas where we provide COD services, check out our MY Master Postcode dashboard here.
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